Time to get real

October 17, 2012





Thought in action

Cycle completion

Seeing the result

More action

More cycles

Culmination in celebration

Back to square one




Ground Zero

July 19, 2010

Done this, DONE that too,

Been there and going places,

Known the ways

Like the back of my hand;

Scaled those huge peaks

By skill, sweat and help,

And when I look above

I have been nowhere

but was standing all along on



February 17, 2010

[Intro to my portfolio]
Dream by day,
Dream by night,
Dream all the time,
More dreams for the Dreamer.
Then came a time,
What was true and not the dream
Was not known.
But realised to see;
His dreams come true,
Happy was he to know
Dream was all he had to do
Welcome to my dreams

The Impressionist

October 19, 2009

Not from the era of Renaissance,

Nor French was he;

Numbers he would see

Jumbled they would be,

Pencil in his hand

Itched to make something grand,

Grand he did make thrice

To know where his heart lies,

More of the ‘grand’

Would make no grand

So he thought “grander”;

Not the one to paint

But the one to make;

Make impressions on their minds,

This is what he is:


Get it all

October 17, 2009

Always wanted to do that,

That something like a wish,

Wish like “wish I could….”

Had all those watches

Never the time;

Once time struck right

To read:


I have known,


To get it all

I have to do it all

But I do it all

And I know I will


Time to hear some….

September 18, 2009

Music…the whole world is crazy about it…it is a universal phenomenon. But how many times have we “heard”  music rather than listened? Do we know what music actually is? Often do we confuse music and songs; rather music and lyrics.

Music is the voice of an instrument. It isn’t the same; it is like the accent people from various places. Even similar instruments don’t sound the same when different people play them. It speaks their mind; their mood: their grief, happiness, anxiety, excitement,pleasure. But often is accompanied by voice of their own to be more expressive.

We underestimate the power of music. Scientifically it does have energy to help us realise its presence. But can’t explain what would happen when the energy is more than required. I would say it becomes your energy. Power to fuel you like nothing else.Nothing to wonder about how musicians can perform for so long on stage with all the singing and few jigs in their gigs.

So why spare your time to listen to “instrumental” than rock or pop or metal. You won’t need to do it actually. Once you become an expert, you will evolve to realise by enlightenment that words won’t matter to make you feel the music. All you need is MUSIC to feel it.  To feel that part of your soul that sounds like that music. You feel yourself in resonance and get into trance. This is when your energy reaches to unexpected levels not just at that moment but even after you have surpassed those moments with your MUSIC.

What seven colours: VIBGYOR is to light;  Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Si-Do or Sa-Re-Ga-Ma-Pa-Da-Ni-Sa is to music. So when you get to mix all those colours we get the purest of all colours WHITE; same way with the combination of all the seven notes we get the purest of all note SILENCE. This one has all the kind of music one would want to hear. The purest music which resonates with all of your soul just like how the rishis and the monks do it.

So if you have listened, try some hearing.

Lava lamp

August 22, 2009

Late into the night

I wake up

To see something shine on the table

To see some light

My Lava Lamp

I just siwtch it on

Keep it on

It goes up and down

Nothing to complain

It knows what I want

Like a rocket ready to launch

Do you have one?

7 Pounds

August 2, 2009


Just yesterday did I get to watch the movie starring Will Smith. It was so unlike his usual movies. The story was very touching; but being verrrrry me that I am, I couldn’t help but analyse the whole movie not in a Movie Critic way but wrt LIFE like I do.

Tim Thomas(Will Smith’s character) searches for people deserving his “Gifts”. Gifts which would get their life downside up. Gifts which they never thought they could have. Gifts they worked hard to deserve but wouldn’t get one. Tim in some sort of way plays GOD, making sure that they did get what they deserved. He give his 7Pounds to 7 people.

And I realised after watching the movie that I myself haven’t given my Life its 7Pounds so how was I to give it to someone else? I myself haven’t made sure I did everything I wanted to. I never made sure I got whatever I wanted. I did work hard; but not for everything. Sometimes I just didn’t want to. I gave my 7Pounds only for my deepest desires and left out the others thinking I couldn’t get it to reach reality. I didn’t want to give even a Pound for it. I didn’t even try just because I thought I couldn’t. Now I am all set to give all the Pounds. I shall pound it or shall bear it.

And if you have given all of it and lost hope….well there is Tim Thomas on his way into your life. If you deserve it you will have it.

So now I know I give my self what I deserve.

Can I do better?

I know I WILL.


July 27, 2009

Since we were born till you get to the end of reading this post, one thing has been prominent: CHANGE. You have become bigger, more intelligent, much more experienced and a lot more that has CHANGED in you. With a little observation, one can see a ‘hang’ in there.May be it is to say that your OLD self  ‘hangs’ itself and you ‘hang on’ to the NEW, better you.

So why do we hear people not wanting to change? May be they are too comfortable to be the way they are?But in some sense they have changed. To have decided to not to change means that they have ‘changed’ to resist change. But how long can one resist change?Is it really possible to not change?

Change is inevitable and for sure to occur not only till one dies but even after death where the body will decompose, form nutrition for some vegetation and be the edible food. The environment within us and outside us doesn’t resist change. More knowledge everyday, more thoughts and more thinking and analysis. This changes all the perception about the previous assumptions.

Changing or being the Change, you do CHANGE.

All of us have favourite something:books, songs, movies, comic characters. Having read, seen or heard them, we automatically try to analyse them. Somehow unconciously our minds picks up few things from them and it becomes a part of us.

To make it a bit more clearer. Many of us enjoy watching the TV series HOUSE M.D. Out of everyone who watch it, most them have a liking for the character of Gregory House. The way he is sarcastically funny & ends up being right all the time. At the end of it I realised I wanted to be like that guy on my screen and for no reason I felt i should have chosen MBBS over engineering(Mechanical is still the best) which surely wasn’t what I wanted then nor now.

Same thing applies to musicians, cricketers, the people around you(remember how to caught on to lingos of your friends around you), philosophies……The list can go on. Nor can this be avoided. It sure is inevitable and nor is everything inspirational; few are influencing us just like what I am writing now or have and will do has affected you, influence you in someway.

So how do I differentiate between the Real I and the Influenced I? How do I know that the choices I make aren’t under the influence of  some other person’s thinking or something that the person has said? How do look into my own eyes in the mirror and assure myself that the person in front of me is the REAL ME?How do I segregate on what should influence me and what should inspire me?

Questions remain unanswered. If you have them, let me know. If not join in; paitience shall pave way and we shall be enlightened at the end.


I realised I asked the wrong question. I wanted to know this system of life; which was working well just like the others. I questioned the obvious and the natural.Like Timbaland’s song it is: